The Owners Engineer - Built for the Built Environment.
We use engineering innovation, financial modeling, and strategy consulting to drive high-return energy efficiency projects in the built environment. We want to represent your interests through an Owner’s Engineer role and improve the performance of your building portfolio. You can expect bespoke solution and an IRR of 20%-30%.

The notion that energy efficiency can’t be budget and cash flow positive is a myth.
The truth: Cost-effective energy efficiency is one of the simplest ways to unlock cash flow in your buildings.
The cost of inaction will only get more painful.
Our Approach.
By blending engineering, financial modeling, and management consulting, we provide the most effective path to energy savings.

Case Study.
Even the most sophisticated developers have experienced material gains by working with Prosono.
Client was completing a 100,000 sqft renovation
Prosono was engaged during the Schematic Design Development Phase as an Owners Engineer role
Client was highly capitalized and sophisticated in terms of ability to retrofit their space with leading edge technologies
Developer had already designed a “world class ESG exemplar” hotel
Client was well on its way to pay for this design when Prosono’s engineers were engaged
15 percent reduction in capital expenditures
10 percent reduction in operations and Maintenance
See below for how we accomplished this effort